Personal Loan

Personal loans are money which can be availed in a very short time and can really help you get funds when you need them most! These are available for salaried persons, businessmen and professionals and can be taken from an array of financial institutions. Generally, banks/financial institutions do not track the use of these funds; these can be used for any personal need that may arise. As the name suggests, “Personal loan” can be used for fulfilling any personal desire or any urgent need that may arise, some of which are as under:

Some Common End-use of Personal Loans:

  • Marriage.
  • Holiday/Vacation.
  • Education of children. (E.g. Admission fee these days are soaring esp. in metro cities like Delhi, personal loan can help in meeting this short-term obligation.)
  • Medical expenses.       (E.g. Personal loans can really complement your reserves in case of medical emergency)
  • Renovation of your home/office.
  • Buying electronics, home furniture etc.

Key Features of Unsecured Personal Loans are:

  • Quick sanction – 48 to 72 hours.
  • Loan Amount – 1 lac to 30 lacs, Tenure ranging from 1 to 5 years
  • Loans for salaried, business and professional segments.
  • No Security/Guarantor Required.
  • Hassle-free documentation at doorstep.
  • Best offers with our tie-ups with several banks/NBFCs.
  • Best reducing rate of interest.

P.S.: Options of nil pre-payment and part-payment is also available.

Who can Apply

  • Salaried persons.
  • Professional (CA/DOCTOR/ARCHITECHTS etc.)
  • Businessmen.


  • Tie-ups with several institutions to get you the best offer.
  • Expertise in providing end-to-end financial solutions with all type of fund raising requirement.
  • A dedicated team to track and deliver in time.
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